
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Children vs. Authority: Rebellious Attitudes

Children vs. Authority Rebellious Attitudes to Avoid Societal Expectations Childrens lit has an extremely influential means of shaping a babys outlook on life. When children read stories, they often relate to the characters on a very ad hominem level, whether the character is polite and kind or rude and bratty. The plots of childrens stories can bias generations of children in negative and positive ways. For over star hundred years, one of these influential texts is still J. M. Barries calamus and Wendy, which originated as a play.The main character, peter goat god, is a boy ho lives in Never state of matter and refuses to grow up. He lives by his own rules, with no parental guidance to help him learn decently from wrong. The same concept is depicted in Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh. Harriet, an eleven year old aspiring writer, creates her own rules for being a child rather than conform to societal expectations. In a book write by Colin Heywood, the historical expec tations of children are explored with the conclusion that the expectations of children will continue to miscellanea over time, and Heywood is in hopes of this becoming a positive change.During the transition hitch from child to adult, m some(prenominal) children rebel against authority figures, including parents or institutions. In Peter and Wendy and Harriet the Spy, the main characters rebel against authority in such a way as to defy social order. Living in Neverland, Peter refuses to right and wishes to remain a boy forever, dapple Harriet could careless about conforming to the typical social requirements of her gender. Heywood discusses the gradual societal changes inflicted upon children from before the writings of J. M. Barrie to menstruation novelists today.Both Peter and Wendy are strong examples of children who oppose parental authority fgures in order to resist the social normalities which proceed adolescence. Barries character of Peter genus Pan opposes all authority in Peter and Wendy, however, the parental fgure of Neverland -Captain Hook- is the one peremptory fgure in Peters fantasy which he cannot escape. The plot seems to thicken as the stage continues, and their is major friction between the two characters Peter avoids authority while Hook demands it. Peter interacts with parental authority throughout the novel, beginning with the Darlings.He much listens to the stories Mrs. Darling tells in the nursery, yet will not commit to the cerebration of parents and the rules that come along with them. He instead encourages Wendy, Michael and John to fly to Neverland with him, tantalising them with mermaids and pirates (Barrie 97-100). This enticement is a depiction of Peter avoiding authority he is supporting(a) the children to rebel and leave their parents for a fantasy island with no rules. A second example of Peter resisting authority is his interaction with Captain Hook in Neverland.Hook represents the dominant adult authority in a fa ntasy land with no ules, therefore, Peter and Captain Hook are polar opposites in the story. Peters constant opposition to boyhood leads to Hooks death to the infamous crocodile. Through Peters mist of authority to both parental fgures in the novel, he is avoiding the social structure which occurs in ones growth from child to adult. Besides blatantly stating l perpetually want to be a little boy and to nave tun, Peter Pan continuously suppresses the idea of parental guidance or any face of authority (Barrie 92).Peter does not want to participate in the normal milestones of life, nstead, he wishes to stay a boy forever. He is constantly avoiding rules, adults, and any concept of responsibility expected from him. Although Peter demonstrates many qualities of a young man, specially with his leadership of the lost boys, he continuously defies the social normalities which follow adolescence. In an article written about J. M. Barrie, it states that Peter and Wendy stand out from ear ly(a) works for its use of childhood innocence, the island as a retreat from society, separation, the fantastic, and the assume for social order (Schoenberg and Trudeau 2).Social order s a reoccuring theme in Barries novel the evident lack of social order emphasizes the evident enquire for it. When Wendy travels to Neverland with Peter she begins feeling romantically inclined towards him, however, Peter does not give way the same emotion. He is incapable of romance, as he is not a man nor wishes to be one. He demonstrates authority himself, yet will not accept it from others. With the control of his own fantasy in Neverland, Peter eliminates any possibility of having a father and instead takes on the role as he sees fit.

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